D  r .   S  o  n  g     P  i  a  n  o     i  c  o  n

From the Early Children 

to Advanced Students

Fun to play, Easy to teach, 

Dr.Song Piano Icon Method.

Even beginners look like pianists,

Even an amateur looks like a professional.



How would it be possible?

Piano-Playing Methods 

as being scientific

Dr. Song Piano Icon method are using Icons to easily convey complicated musical / technical concepts to children.

Expression as musical

Enable children to express music artistically with Dr.Song's Piano Icon.

Education as a psychological

Communicating effectively with Children according to their personality types.

Dr. Song's Piano Icons are 

made with love for children.

D  r .   S  o  n g     P  i  a  n  o     i  c  o  n 


SPIPU Pedagogy courses are designed to train and support every piano teacher to build strong foundations of piano technique and beautiful tone production from beginners to most advanced levels of students through the usage of SPi (Dr. Song Piano icon) Method.  

SPi Method is a sensory-based piano pedagogy, where students are taught the most difficult concepts of piano technique through the usage of icons and different educational anterials.  The early childhood education has progressed, and many philosophers dedicated their lives to improve the quality of education.  And thanks to their research, we have discovered that children, especially those ages 0-6, learn differently and it is highly sensory-based.  Piano teachers are not an exception.  They have developed ways to improve the quality of piano education through discovery of diverse pedagogical methods.  

SPi Method deals with and educates both students and teachers about the most fundamental and difficult questions in piano playing through the usage of the piano icons.  Most complicated musical and technical ideas are represented through the usage of scientifically developed piano icons.  As a result, Dr. Song's sensational Piano Icon Method Pedagogy is designed to awaken the hidden musical talents of children, arousing their sense of hearing, and reading.  SPI Method also helps children with eye to hand muscle coordination through the use of scientifically developed Piano Icons leading to self-driven, self-discipline, being able to internalize the most of difficult techniques of piano playing.  Students who study with SPi Method books and certified teachers learn to discover their hidden talents in piano playing, build the ability to love and appreciate music, able to creatively interpret and express emotions through music, and absorb the most difficult technical concepts.

SPi Method may be applied to all levels of students, from beginners as young as four-year-olds to the most advanced levels.  We are happy to welcome you to the world of ICONS! 

From the Early Children to Advanced Students

Fun to play, Easy to teach, 

Dr.Song Piano Icon Method.

Even beginners look like pianists, 

Even an amateur looks like a professional.



How would it be possibe?

Piano-Playing Methods

as being scientific

Dr. Song Piano Icon method are using Icons to easily convey complicated musical / technical concepts to children.


as musical

Enable children to express music artistically with Dr.Song's Piano Icon.


as psycological

Communicating effectively with Children according to their personality types.

Dr. Song's Piano Icons are 

made with love for children.


Grant a gift for your student with Dr. Song's Piano gift!

Patented registered Icon pedagogy + Icon design

of Dr. Song Piano Icon!


All the Education of Korea Institute of Piano Pedagogy 

changed my life completely as a piano teacher!

HongKong Piano teacher's Review


Grant a gift for your student with Dr. Song's Piano gift!

Patented registered Icon Pedagogy  + Icon design of Dr. Song Piano Icon!


All the Education of Korea Institute of Piano Pedagogy  changed my life completely as a piano teacher!

HongKong Piano teacher's Review

Grant a gift for your student 

with Dr.Song's Piano gift!